wedwevia short story aynbath

As I swim out, through the channel of the hidden lagoon, embracing the torrent of waves through my scaly body, I feel the fullness. Whirling and drifting – powerful impulses from my fin and arms push me into the clouds of plankton. The cold of the most ancient depths reaches up with gentle hands for me. Luckily I’m smooth and fast. My body is filled with joy and strength. Take me, oh high motherly sea. Devour me and receive my sparkling love for the vastness.


Just darkness and distant, flickering shimmer around me. Time slips by like the foaming spray between the overgrown rocks of my shore. Now and then – when I am is where I am is nowhere. Only the direction of the currents and the taste of the water guide me. Centering, like a lover’s cool kisses in lovemaking.

So I just keep swimming. Without a goal. And my tail fin slaps lead me forward until I find myself in a powerful pull that doesn’t want to end here or there. I realize I’ve been caught in a real storm.

I want and yet I can’t. I fight because I have to. It feels wrong not to fight and yet I feel it’s my trust that counts. It strikes me like a bolt of lightning: yes, that’s life. Exactly this. Especially what we don’t think about. What we don’t expect.

I want and yet I can’t. I fight because I have to. It feels wrong not to fight and yet I feel it’s my trust that counts. It strikes me like a bolt of lightning: yes, that’s life. Exactly this. Especially what we don’t think about. What we don’t expect.

So I let go.

But then the fear comes vehemently. Merciless hits. My heart is beating tremendously. Back? fight back? What if… I could die! Pierced by sharp stone slabs. Battered in blood and never found again… All over……..

NO! There you are!!
Damn mind demeaning me…

black box 2

Die in the storm!

Die in the storm!

My body vibrates. Ecstatic.

No more bounds.

All one.


No questions left.


No answers.


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