A Dark Art Zine with 13 Selected Artists
Content: 32 Pages (A6)
(High Quality Zine with Dark Art and Occult Art)
I organized the art zine and curated the artists and their artworks in this great collection. For those who still value a physical offline copy and for those who love to explore new artists. It also contains spiritual/occult artworks of the artists that you might not find online so easily. Many are ink and pen artists, but it is broad mix of different approaches and styles. This zine is a project of love, enjoy!
These are the attending artists:
@aynbath, @alchemicaldancer, @slave_eye,, @drownedorange, @ikosidio, @ina_auderieth,, @massikka, @minkitus, @nnyhr, @rowanecassidy, @thefieldalchemist, @vjecnost.
Thematics: Nature, Symbolism, Death, Runes, The Occult
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